Log of the Deep Sea - Book cover

Log of the Deep Sea


Log of the Deep Sea: An Expedition to the Gulf of California

Edited by Octavio Aburto-Oropeza, Margarita Caso, Brad Erisman, and Exequiel Ezcurra.

Publication chapters, in pdf format

Cover and front-matter
The expedition team
San Marcial
Las Ánimas
Spawning aggregations
Richness and productivity
San Dieguito
Life zones
El Cochi
The impact of fisheries
Life in the reef

About Steve Drogin

Species lists and data

Shallow-water macroinvertebrates
Deep-water macroinvertebrates


Appendix 1.
Appendix 2.
Appendix 3.

Basic references and back-cover

Complete publication in pdf format (47 MBytes long, it will take a while to download)

Suggested way to cite this book:

Aburto-Oropeza, O., M. Caso, B. Erisman, and E. Ezcurra (editors). 2010. Log of the Deep Sea: An Expedition to the Gulf of California. Instituto Nacional de Ecología, UC MEXUS, Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Mexico, D.F.



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