
Resume of Sula Vanderplank



Professional Preparation:

2013.   University of California, Riverside, USA. Ph.D. Plant Ecology, (minors in Biogeography and Conservation Biology).

2010. Claremont Graduate University, USA. MS Botany.

2009. Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico. Diploma 'Strategies and Solutions for Conservation in   Latin America' (partial funding from The Nature Conservancy).

2000. University of Reading, Berkshire, UK. Botany BSc Hons.


Professional Appointments:

2013-Present   Biodiversity Explorer, Botanical Research Institute of Texas

2011-Present   Science Advisor, Terra Peninsular, A.C., Baja California, Mexico.

2012-Present   Research Associate, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden

2012-Present   Botany Dept. Associate, San Diego Natural History Museum

2004-2010       Herbarium Administrative Curator, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden

2001-2004       Curatorial Associate, Pullen Herbarium, University of Mississippi

2000-2001       Visiting Scholar, National Center for Natural Product Research, MS


Professional Service:

2013-Present   Rare Plant Botanist, Baja California Chapter, California Native Plant Society

2013-Present   Next Generation of Sonoran Desert Researchers, Board of Directors

2005-Present   Southern California Botanists – Director at Large (President 2007, VP 2011)

2010-2013       Southern California Horticultural Society – Director at Large, Finance Committee

2012-2013       UCR Botany Graduate Student Association – Secretary

2010-2012       California Native Plant Society, Conference Strategic Planning Committee

2006-2010       External Administrative co-chair for the Consortium of California Herbaria

2007-2010       Representative to the Society for Preservation of Natural History Collections

2005-2010       Society Herbarium Curators – Membership Chair

2008-2009       Chair of RSABG collections committee

2007-2009       CGU Graduate Student Council – Botany Representative


Awards received:

2013. Graduate Student Achievement Award, University of California, Riverside

2010. Best Young Presenter, International Association of Vegetation Scientists.

2010. Expedition to Guadalupe Island, Baja California, Mexico.

2009. Award for work with the tribal nations of southern California, from Campo Kumeyaay Nation and the Native American Environmental Protection Coalition.

2009. Rare Plants of the California Floristic Province in Baja California (Stipend)


Grants funded:

2013. Dissertation Year Program Fellowship, UC Riverside. $7,200.

2012. Research stipend (private donation via Terra Peninsular AC.) $6,000

2012. Research stipend (private donation for ethnobotany via Terra Peninsular AC.) $2,000

2012. Jiji Foundation. Dissertation Research Funding (via UC Riverside). $38,000

2011. Research stipend (private donation via Terra Peninsular AC.) $6,000

2011. Jiji Foundation. Phytogeography of Baja California. $7,000

2010. (Vanderplank & Folsom) Club La Mision, Miller Family Charitable Trust, Lantz Foundation. Quail-friendly plants of North-west Baja California. $17,300

2010. (McDade & Vanderplank) NSF BRC.Harnessing the Power of Herbaria to Understand the Changing Flora of California:  A Biodiversity Hotspot in Peril. $247,902

2010. Research stipend (private donation via RSABG) $1,000

2009. Cactus and Succulent Society of America. Conservation of San Martín Island. $1,500

2009. (McDade, Boyd & Vanderplank) NSF BRC. Curating the plant specimens of Dr. Robert F. Thorne at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden (RSA-POM) $117,052

2008. RSABG-CGU Graduate Student Research Stipend in support of Fieldwork. $3,000

2008. Jiji Foundation. Flora of San Quintín, Baja California. $3,000

2008. (Vanderplank & Kiel) Jiji Foundation. Species Conservation Plans $2,516

2008. California Botanical Society, Annetta Carter Award. Flora of San Quintín. $1,000

2007. NSF BRC award # 0719591. Workshop for the Consortium of California Herbaria. Asilomar Conference Grounds, Monterey, CA. $14,982

2007. RSABG-CGU Graduate Student Research Stipend in support of Fieldwork, Supplies and Professional Development. $3,000

2007. CNPS Educational Grants Program. The Vascular Flora of San Quintín. $500

Senior personnel: 2011. Conservation, Research and Education Opportunities International (CREOI). Life history of Elegant quail in Sonora, Mexico.

Senior personnel: 2008. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Type specimen imaging.

Senior personnel: 2007. GBIF. Georeferencing and Consortium of California Herbaria.


Outreach Activities:

Part of promoting group for a new state environmental act in Baja California for the management of endemic species of flora and fauna, coordinated cross-border workshops (2012)

Secured $150,000 donation for Terra Peninsular AC in support of land conservation in Baja California (December 2011)

Plant identification, herbarium techniques and native plant workshops for member-tribes with the Native American Environmental Protection Coalition, CA (2005-2010).

Session chair: Conservation Science of the Peninsula (Science and Land Conservation), Loreto, (May 2011); California Native Plant Society, Conservation Conference (Baja California), Sacramento, (January 2009) & San Diego (January 2012); Symposium co-organizer, Ecological Society America (From Sky-Islands to Sea-Mountains), Austin (August 2011).

Reviewer: Vegetation Science (2012), National Vegetation Classification Scheme (2011), Aliso (2010); Crosossoma (2009); Edinburgh Journal of Botany (April 2008); Brittonia (September 2007); International Review Board, Annals of Botany (March 2004).

Supervisor: Getty Summer Multicultural Internships in Museums (2005-2009)

Instructor/teaching assistant for Spring Wildflowers (UCR), Herbarium Techniques class (RSABG), Plant ID class (Long Beach City College), Plants of Baja California (Theodore Payne Foundation) and The Nature of Nature Class (Scripps College).



Vanderplank, S., McDade, L., Ezcurra, E., Delgadillo, J. & R. Felger. Submitted. Biodiversity and Conservation.Unsustainable agriculture and loss of biodiversity in Baja California.

Ratay, S., S. Vanderplank & B. Wilder. 2013. Baja California Contributions to the Flora of the Channel Islands. Western North American Naturalist. Accepted April 2012.

O'Brien, B., J. Delgadillo-Rodríquez, S.A. Junak, T.A. Oberbauer, J.P. Rebman, H. Riemann, S.E. Vanderplank. 2013. The Rare, Endangered and Endemic Plants of the California Floristic Province Portion of Baja California, Mexico. Aliso. Accepted Nov 2012.

Vanderplank, S. 2013. Endemism in an ecotone: from Chaparral to Desert in Baja California, Mexico. In:C. Hobhom (ed.) 2013. Vascular Plant Endemism. Springer-Verlag. In Press.

Bruchmann, I., C.Q. Tang, C.M. Tucker, S. Vanderplank, N.P. Barker, V. R. Clark, U. Deppe, S. Elórtegui, C. Hobohm, J. Huang, M. Janišová, J. Jansen, K. Ma, A. Moreiro-Muñoz, J. Noroozi, G. Pils, M. de Sequeira & W.Yang. 2013. Synthesis. In:C. Hobhom (ed.) 2013. Vascular Plant Endemism. Springer-Verlag. In Press.

Vanderplank, S. 2012. A Conservation Plan for Agave shawii. RSABG Occasional Publications. In Press.

Vanderplank, S., & S. Lahmeyer.2011.Noteworthy collection: Mexico: Anemone tuberosa. Madroño 58 (3):205-205

Vanderplank, S. 2011.Guide to Quail-Friendly Plants of Baja California. RSABG Occasional Publication # 11. 131 p.

Vanderplank, S. E. 2011. The Flora of Greater San Quintín, Baja California, Mexico (2005-2010). Aliso 29: 65–106

Vanderplank, S. E. 2011. Rare plants of California in Greater San Quintín, Baja California, Mexico, pp. 381–387. In J. W. Willoughby, B. K. Orr, K. Schierenbeck, and N. Jensen [eds.], Proceedings of the CNPS Conservation Conference: Strategies and Solutions, 17–19 Jan 2009, California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA, USA.

Vanderplank, S. & S. Mata. 2010. Threats to an extreme endemic: Chenopodium flabellifolium (Amaranthaceae) on Isla San Martín. Crossossoma. 36 (2) 50-56.

Vanderplank, S. & S. Mata. 2010. The succulent scrub of San Martín Island. Cactus and Succulent Journal. 82 (6): 252-258

Harper, A., Vanderplank, S., Dodero, M., Mata, S., & J. Ochoa. 2010. Plants of the Colonet Region, Baja California, Mexico, and a vegetation map of Colonet Mesa. Aliso 29: 25-42.

Vanderplank, S., Hannon, D., Ochoa, J., & D. Bell. 2009. Noteworthy collection: Mexico: Salvia brandegeei. Madroño 56 (2):135

Vanderplank, S. & J. Delgadillo-Rodriguez. 2008. Documentando la Flora Vascular de San Quintín y Áreas Adyacentes (Baja California).IV Simposio Internacional sobre Flora Silvestre en zonas Áridas. CIBNOR, La Paz, BCS, MX. Pages 61-92.

Vanderplank, J. & S. E. Vanderplank. 2006. A new species of Passiflora L. (P. longicuspis) from French Guyana. Curtis' Botanical Magazine. Vol 23 (3): 231-236


Invited Presentations:

2012. Quail-friendly plants of Baja California, Mens Garden Club of Los Angeles at the California Club, Los Angeles, CA.

2012. Priority Areas for Conservation in Northwest Baja California. Gobernación Ambiental y Sustentabilidad en la Región Mediterránea de Baja California: Viabilidad de las Áreas Esenciales para la Conservación. Colegio de la Fronterra, Tijuana, Baja California.

2012. Plants of Shell Middens of Baja California, Terra Peninsular AC., Ensenada, Baja California.

2012. From coastal scrub to desert islands, a botanical tour of Baja California, California Native Plant Society, Riverside Chapter, with Benjamin Wilder.

2011. La Flora de Baja California y El Papel de los Jardines Botánicos. Comité de Planeación para el Desarrollo del Municipio, Ensenada, Baja California.

2011. Quail-friendly plants of Baja California. Quail Quorum, Deep Canyon Research Station, Palm Desert, CA.

2010. Where the Chaparral Meets the Desert. Succulent Symposium, Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino, CA.

2009. A Conservation plan for Agave shawii. Conservation Conference of the California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA.

2008-2009. Conservation and the flora of San Quintín. USFWS Carlsbad Office; California Native Plant Society San Gabriel Chapter, Orange County Chapter & RSABG Enrichment Series.

2007. Baja California Collections at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. VIII Botanical Symposium of Baja California and adjacent Areas. Ensenada, Baja California, MX.


Scientific Presentations:

Vanderplank, S. 2012. Quail-friendly Plants of Baja California. Symposium on the flora of Baja California and adjacent areas, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

Vanderplank, S., S. Mata & E. Ezcurra. 2012.Plants of Shell Middens in Baja California. Southern California Botanists Annual Symposium. San Marino, CA, USA.

Vanderplank, S. 2011. Where the scrub meets the desert: Plant Ecology of the transition zone at the southern boundary of the California Floristic Province. Ecological Society of America: Invited Symposium. Austin, TX, USA.

Vanderplank, S & E. Ezcurra. 2011. Changes in Phenology and Physiognomy along a Precipitation Gradient in Baja California, Mexico. International Association Vegetation Science. Lyon, France.

Vanderplank, S & S. Mata. 2011. Biodiversity of San Quintín and Climate Change Impacts Part 1: Plants (Mata & Vanderplank, Part 2: Habitats). Conservation Science Symposium. Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Vanderplank, S & S. Mata. 2011. The Flora of Isla San Martín. Conservation Science Symposium. Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Vanderplank, S., Ezcurra, E. & J. Delgadillo.2010. The Perennial Vegetation of Greater San Quintín, Baja California. International Association Vegetation Science. Ensenada, Mexico.

Vanderplank, S. & J. Delgadillo. 2009. Notas sobre la flora de Isla San Martín, Baja California. National Mexican Islands Symposium, Ensenada, Mexico.

Vanderplank, S. 2009. The rare plants of California in San Quintín, Baja California. Conservation Conference of the California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA.

Vanderplank, S., Junak, S., & J. Delgadillo. 2008. Flora of Isla San Martín. Symposium on the flora of Baja California and adjacent areas, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

Vanderplank, S., Markos, S. & R. Moe. The Consortium of California Herbaria: A model for collections. SPNHC 2008. Oklahoma City, OK.

Vanderplank, S. & J. Delgadillo-Rodriguez. Documentando la Flora Vascular de San Quintín y Áreas Adyacentes (Baja California).IV Simposio Internacional sobre Flora Silvestre en zonas Áridas 2008. La Paz, MX.


Poster Presentations

Vanderplank, S. 2011. Factors Affecting Plant Distribution where the Chaparral meets the Desert. MEDECOS, Los Angeles, USA.

Vanderplank, S. 2007. The Endangered Flora of Greater San Quintín, Baja California. Botany 2007. Chicago, IL, USA.

Vanderplank, S & J. Delgadillo. 2006. The Vascular Flora of Greater San Quintín, Baja California. VIII Botanical Symposium of Baja California and adjacent Areas. Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

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